
How could we tell our stories better? (with Jason Gordon [JGo], Co-founder and Chief Learning Officer at Written Out Loud)

Episode Summary

Jason Gordon shares his story of how he is helping our youth to tell their stories... turning (sometimes reluctant) young writers into published authors.

Episode Notes

JGo is the Co-founder and Chief Learning Officer at Written Out Loud, a storytelling program for kids and adults. JGo has spent more than 18 years in education, teaching, designing programs, and coaching athletics at every level up to high school, and location-wise from D.C. to Morocco. He holds a B.A. from Yale University and an M.A. from Teachers College, Columbia University. 


Learn more about https://www.writtenoutloud.org/

On "John Henryism" (I guess I was kinda close...): https://yalealumnimagazine.com/articles/3193-before-their-time?page=1